North Yorkshire County Council

Thirsk & Malton Area Constituency Committee

17 June 2022

Area Constituency Committees’ Ways of Working


Purpose of Report


To provide a guide about Area Constituency Committees’ ways of working for the period ending 31 March 2023.



The County Council has six Area Constituency Committees which are coterminous with the six Parliamentary constituencies within North Yorkshire.  Each committee meets formally in public four times a year.


A guide about Area Constituency Committees’ ways of working for the period ending 31 March 2023 is attached at Appendix 1.


Work to develop a new way of working for the area committees is underway as part of the Local Government Review ‘Localities’ work stream.  Once options for a working model for the area committees has been developed, based upon what was outlined in the LGR submission - The new council | North Yorkshire County Council, these will be considered by councillors and the Executive.  In the interim, the scheduled meetings of the existing Area Constituency Committees will continue to meet.


Alongside the ‘business as usual’ committee meetings, it is envisaged that a series of informal, development meetings will be held which enable councillors to build up their understanding of the constituency area and the new operating model of the area committees in the new unitary authority.


The attached guide refers only to the ‘business as usual’ ways of working through to 31 March 2023.




The Committee is asked to note this report and the appended guide.




Daniel Harry

Democratic Services and Scrutiny Manager

North Yorkshire County Council

Tel: (01609) 533531



Background documents:  Constitution of North Yorkshire County Council